New Zealand Successful in Stopping Coronavirus Spread
There have been multiple countries worldwide to succeed in stopping the spread of COVID-19. Various nations throughout Asia found themselves in suitable conditions with minor infections and deaths. Western nations like the United Kingdom and the United States have experienced increased exposure to this virus. One Western Nation avoided this downfall, with that being New Zealand. After implementing a lockdown period of several weeks, restrictions are slowly being lifted.
Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister of New Zealand, provided context to the situation for her civilians. She revealed that national agencies would assist with phasing out the COVID-19 restrictions, with this process slated to begin on May 14th. Multiple retail locations will be reopened for civilian usage. This included Shopping Centres, Cinemas, Cafes, Restaurants, and Gyms. Educational facilities aren’t slated to open until May 18th, and Drinking Facilities aren’t permitted to restart operations until May 21st. Regardless of which retail sector is selected by civilians, a maximum of ten people is allowed. Those individuals will be required to social distance until the full reopening of New Zealand is unveiled.
When addressing her nation, Jacinda remarked that it’d take ten days for most retail locations to reopen in New Zealand. She proudly stated that it’s faster than all other Western Nations, with her sentiments revealing anger towards allied countries that didn’t implement more robust measures. However, it’s primarily the people and their abiding of protocols that enable the spread of COVID-19 to be limited. Civilians in the United States and the United Kingdom haven’t responded the same to New Zealanders. It’s for this reason that those nations have seen increased exposure to this virus.
National Pride
New Zealand Residents are excited by the concept that they’ll shortly be able to receive haircuts, travel to restaurants with family, or traverse outdoor parks with friends. This follows after they’ve remained indoors since March 26th in what’s considered the strictest lockdown with Western Nations. The chances that Donald Trump will follow similar protocols to New Zealand after their positive results in minimal. He’s already reopened the economy after one million Americans have contracted the novel coronavirus. Incredible volumes of death will follow.