South Koreas Coronavirus Success is Failing

Last month it was being reported worldwide that South Korea had successfully defeated the novel coronavirus. It prompted government officials to lift social distancing measures in South Korea. Physical distancing was eased, manufacturing facilities relaunched their operations, and educational facilities reopened. Less than three weeks after lifting these restrictions in South Korea, medical experts are seeing an influx of confirmed infection. Health authorities have warned their civilians & government officials that action must be immediately taken to avoid a 2nd wave.

The South Korean Centre for Disease Control & Prevention announced forty-five confirmed infections of the novel coronavirus on June 14th. That number had steadily risen since May 28th & can be traced towards the Seoul Metropolitan Jurisdiction. It’s been considerably challenging to locate transmissions in the 2nd wave, creating additional concerns for confirmed infections. Government personnel have avoided questions regarding restrictions being reimplemented. Activists believe that updated physical distancing guidelines must be implemented, regardless of their fragile economy. Implementing these measures could prompt their economy to fail beyond repair. This would be more detrimental to South Korea than the novel coronavirus.

The Ignorance of Civilians

For every South Korean that has continued to sustain physical distancing, there are ten that haven’t. Videos online show millions of citizens engaging in public activities within the same region. This creates the perfect conditions for COVID-19 to thrive in South Korea, especially when considering their winter is arriving shortly. Clusters of confirmed infections have been seen in different locations throughout South Korea, with employed personnel from different companies infecting their co-workers. Recorded infections confirm that 140+ cases are traced towards a Coupang Warehouse, which was found not implementing COVID-19 Protective Measures.

An additional two hundred confirmed infections of COVID-19 were traced towards nightclubs in South Korea, with this extending towards Bars. An additional ninety infections were also seen throughout Seoul Church Gatherings, with that number being lower than what’s reported by Richway Product Providers. This delivery service has had 116 confirmed infections amongst their workforce, with their average age grouping varying between 60 to 70. This could result in extensive outbreaks throughout elderly facilities in South Korea.